Am 20.09.2005 um 11:58 schrieb Alvaro Lopes:

Hi list

I'm having some technical problems with embperl. When apache2 handles a
second request, the child dies with segmentation fault. The first
request is processed fine. I was able to do a backtrace using gdb and
httpd -X (the signal handler shown in #3 was installed by me to handle

[ snip   ]

Version of embperl is 2.0.0, mod_perl 2.0.1, apache 2.0.54 (prefork mpm
only), perl 5.8.4.

Any ideas ?

Do you have any other things activated in your httpd.conf (like PHP or similar)? If
so, deactivate them and test it again.

I have had a similar problem and deactivating PHP5 solved the problem.


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