Gerald Richter wrote:

Ok - I've done that. The SES: message always comes from the parent process so it is not always easy to match the SESSION data to the child process that is actually performing the request.

The question is, what are you seeing in case of the problem you have. Could
you quote the SES: messages from the log for this case?
I don't see any problem with the SES messages. They show the cookies coming in, being modified and being sent normally. The actual data in the some of the cookies are sometimes inconsistent and incorrect, and they often have changing IP addresses AND changing AGENT s(although this can and does change often even for valid sessions). I do have an example of a single session being used by both a Windows XP box and a Max OS/X box. Pretty cool trick.

The problem seems directly attributable to a 500 configuration error occuring with a request that was using the session. These configuration errors were occuring because of an error in our code which was causing Storable to fail. It seems like the next connection to a process that has sufferered a 500 error, inherits the session data that is currently in udat. Since we overwrite a lot of the session data, the session now contains data from the original session and whatever we overwrite from the current request..

Of course, now we have two users of the same session, and the udat/session routines do not handle this multi-user activity well.

We have fixed some issues with our code that caused 500 errors, which is good in any case. Hopefully you will also modify the Embperl code to emit a 404 error when a file is not found instead of a 500 error. I am not sure if this can cause a similar situation.

Perhaps some of the Session exceptions are not clearing udat, which causes the next connection to that process to inherit the existing session data. If you agree, I will send a note regarding this to the developer of Apache::Session.


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