On 05/09/2018 09:28 PM, Chris Radek wrote:
On Wed, May 09, 2018 at 08:06:02PM -0500, Jon Elson wrote:
Can somebody give me some instructions so I can find exactly
what changes were made between
the 2.7.8 release and the 2.7.9 release?  The git history
REALLY doesn't show any other changes.
git fetch
gitk v2.7.8..v2.7.9

You can limit to changes in hal with

gitk v2.7.8..v2.7.9 -- src/hal

Seems really likely it's 1b7feb83, probably a scope problem with the
static slotnum change?

Sounds likely, I assume you are referring to jeff Epler's commit to a whole bunch of modules on Aug 17, 2014, commented as "Don't use non-portable integer types like __u32 <https://github.com/LinuxCNC/linuxcnc/commit/de7bbf4e0306b7c11dcd0504444eff6a27c6ac87#diff-fb43704863216535e634a0c615f246a4>"? I can't match this commit with

your 1b7feb83

That commit shows up as de7bbf4 in github.  But, this change was before I did 
some testing on the change I made in 2017.  However, I only THINK I tested it 
enough that I would have found the issue.  It is also possible this issue might 
depend on the parallel port chip being used (Ugh, hope not!)

Thanks for the info!

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