Ugh, things are not going well. So far, this is a stock build from source (plus the default binary load from the .iso download.)

So, when I run the binary version 2.7.14 with a NetMos PCIe parport card, it does not communicate properly, as expected. If I put in the epp_dir=1 option on the loadrt command line, I get "unknown symbol in module". (I thought 2.7.14 would have had that option available in the hal_ppmc driver.
I thought it went in at 2.7.9 or so.)

But, if I run the compiled from source version (2.8.0~pre1) I get a kernel crash of varying flavor. Sometimes I get a panic screen with kernel null pointer in PREEMPT SMP, other times it locks up a couple seconds after loading the hal_ppmc driver. Hmmm, that could be pretty tough to debug.

(2.8.0~pre1 runs fine with software stepping to the parallel port. It also seems to run fine with a Siig parport card using the sample config that came with 2.8. If I use one of my old configs, I also get the kernel crash. I will have to compare the config file set to see what could be different.)

This system was loaded from an old .iso DVD, but I didn't think there was any update to the OS. It is 3.4-9-rtai-686-pae #1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 3.4.55 LinuxCNC i686

The above is a bit confusing - rtai OR preempt? I didn't think it could be both. But, I think I did the make with the preempt option, so if the kernel is rtai, maybe that is the problem.

Well, any comments would be very welcome!


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