On Sat, Apr 28, 2007 at 03:22:01AM -0400, Eric H. Johnson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a couple of questions related to changing modes for various functions
> in my user interface. These use basically the calls within emcsh.
> 1> If in MDI mode I issue "G92 X0 Y0 Z0", then open a new Gcode file, which
> also calls "TaskPlanInit" and sets the mode to Auto, any GCode entered
> thereafter reverts to absolute coordinates, rather than as zeroed by the
> G92. Is it the TaskPlanInit which does this, or setting mode to Auto? It
> seems I have to call TaskPlanInit anytime I load a new Gcode file. There
> isn't anything really wrong with this, only what the appropriate sequence is
> in opening a new Gcode file and what the expected behavior should be.

Lots of things, including M2, reset/clear/unapply G92 offsets.  If you
want an offset that's more permanent, consider using G10L2P1 (G54).

> 2> Similarly, if I issue "S3000 M3" in MDI mode, and then jog an axis which
> requires setting the mode to manual, the spindle turns off as soon as I
> start to jog. I assume that is from changing the mode from MDI to manual. Is
> there a way to issue the jog command which does not stop the spindle.

Nope, unless you start it (using the nml command) after switching to
manual mode.  I've also considered this a bug in the past, but was
told it was a feature.  I'm still not sure it's a feature.

> 3> If I have an estop while running a program and the tool is in the
> material when the estop occurs, when I try to reapply power the axis will
> jump to some commanded position following the estop. Since there is a brake
> on Z, which gets set on estop, I cannot manually lift the Z axis from the
> material. I have, however, an Estop sense input. Is there a HAL pin I can
> assign the estop sense input to so that following a "machine on", no motion
> will occur.

I don't quite understand what you're saying.  When in "machine off"
state, the commanded position tracks the actual position so you can
(for instance) use handwheels and not get a jump when you go to
"machine on" state.  If this is not working correctly for you please
say how we can reproduce it (and in what version of emc).


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