On Sun, 2007-07-29 at 19:05 -0400, John Kasunich wrote:
> There is a "president" position on the board, but it is not particularly
> different than any other board member.  The president presides at board
> meetings if needed.  However all board members have equal votes.  

Um.  Perhaps this is a quibble but, no we no longer have a president as
a member of the board, we have a chairman.  This change was made soon
after the last election and Chris took on that role.  A quote from the
minutes of the IRC meeting, December 3, 2005
        Much discussion about whether the board needs a chairman (mostly
        to direct IRC meetings).
        "Motion by JMK:
        that we elect a chairman
        Second by Ray
        Ray, Alex, Jon: AYE
        JMK, Cradek: abstain
        "Nominations for Chairman: Ray, JMK, Cradek
        Ray declined
        Cradek was elected by a 3-to-2 margin."

This was a change and it is reflected in the bylaws.

        "The new board has conferred and decided to have a 'chairperson'
        rather than a 'president'.
        "It was further decided that Chris Radek will be the
The remainder of John's post is correct that the board members are now
considered equal, the chair presides and applies order to meetings.  


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