
>How are you trying to do the remote, Kirk?
This is the crux of the problem :)

Kirk is trying to use the remote UI features of EMC2, which allow you to 
have the UI communicate with the machine controller using NML.  What 
you're describing is using remote X, which isn't even close to the same 
thing  :)

Remote X actually runs the UI program on the same PC as the machine 
controller, but uses the networking features of X to display the user 
interface on another computer.

The "remote UI" features in EMC2 actually have you run the UI on the 
separate PC, but the commands for the machine controller are sent via 
NML, using remote buffers.  Since you can run more than one UI 
simultaneously, this allows you to have a remote machine with a UI at 
the same time as the controller PC has a UI running.  I believe this is 
the setup Kirk is looking for - two UIs running, one on the machine 
controller and one on a remote PC.  That can't be done with remote X 

- Steve

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