On 02/14/2021 09:03 PM, Matthew Herd wrote:
Thank you Jon.  So it’s impossible to reassign dout.15 to E-stop enable?  I’m 
using the first board for the E-stop loop, but attempting to use dout.15 on the 
second board to enable my servo drives.
No, sorry, SSR8 on the second board is a slave to the first board, it will always follow exactly what SSR8 on the master board does. That's just a limitation of the way the E-stop logic was built.
I guess I wasn't thinking far enough ahead.
I should also note, the sample doesn’t work either and it uses dout.07.  Even 
though my e-stop loop is wired to din.15.

Well, now, that's odd. First, make sure you have DIP switch 10 ON for the master board and OFF for the slave. How dod you connect the 2nd board? You connect the DB-25 to one of the boards, and then connect a ribbon cable with a DB25 on one end to the 2nd board's P1 and an IDC 26 pin connector to the first board's P9. Is that what you have set up? Can you see both boards show up on the univstepdiag program's bus display?


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