Den 2022-04-23 kl. 22:23, skrev andrew beck:
I think you need to put a g code in there to make it work.  I had this

You just put a g0 after every line of mcode

And it works
No it does not seem to help tried that and did not work. Adding a row waiting 0.1 seconds after using the M65 command it worked.

Had another issue yesterday there jogging sometimes got screwed up after using G91 revert back to G90 in a g-code sub routine called from GUI button, think I figured a solution that decreased the likelihood but no real solution, issuing a G90 in MDI the F5 button and worked normally again.

Nicklas Karlsson

Nicklas Karlsson

On Sun, 24 Apr 2022, 04:19 Nicklas SB Karlsson, <> wrote:

Made two small g-codes files to manually lock and release chuck. There
are two signals one is activated to lock tool while the other is
activated to unlock tool and only, if not locking or releasing both are
turned off. There is two sensors on a rod one activated then released
while the other is activated then locked, in between they or both of.

Problem is M65 to turn off signal is not activated as supposed, not sure
if there are some randomness. Moving sensor to make it fail abort
message is printed but the M65 line does nothing, could run it manually
afterwards, neither does it turn off if executed normally. Could move
the M65 line further and then it is executing but are of little use
because then it is turned of before tool i unlocked. "g-code" below.

o<tool_release> sub

; release tool
M65 P4 ; Make sure lock is not active, otherwise it will not unlock
M64 P3 ; Unlock tool
M66 P3 L3 Q2 ; wait for tool-released, L3=>wait for high
O142 if [#5399 LT 0]
    M65 P3 ; Should be turned off then unlocked
    M66 P3 L3 Q.1 ; wait for tool-released, L3=>wait for high, dummy so
the below row hopefully run
    (abort, failed to release tool)
O142 endif
M65 P3 ; Should be turned off then unlocked


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