On 5/1/24 14:12, John Dammeyer wrote:
From: andy pugh [mailto:bodge...@gmail.com]
On Tue, 30 Apr 2024 at 17:31, John Dammeyer <jo...@autoartisans.com>

Except it would still require an add on card still called a cape perhaps?

I think that the attraction of the Beagleboard was that the PRU could be
used for step generation and encoder counting. There were some hats that
included stepper drive, but you would need those anyway.

It's likely too soon to know if the " Arm Cortex-R5 subsystem for low-latency I/O 
and control "  has the ability to be the step/dir engine for 4 axis and a spindle 
(step/dir or PWM).

But still for anything to be simple using LinuxCNC the orginal cape for the 
Beagle that provided a DB-25 to connect to a BoB is not a good solution.

Similarly a cape with built in drivers like the Replicape where a driver fails 
requiring replacement of the cape is also a non-starter.

I still think this is the best idea except instead of a network cable to a PC 
with custom software the connection should be USB+HDMI to a 1080P monitor.
There should be only one user interface modeled after the MACH3 with menu's and 
forms to fill out to set things up.  The need to drop into custom code (BASIC 
in MACH3) should only be for specialized customization.  The target needs to be 
the small mills that go for under $1500.


The elephant in the room in that scenario is the mach3 and the shitty electronics supplied with said $1500 gantry mill. I fought with it, trying to make linuxcnc run it, and wound up throwing the whole box in the trash trailer, the vfd was simply not controllable, and assembling or building all the electronics myself. Its now a full blown 4 axis machine. Including a B axis that can do 400 rpm in perfect sync with the Y motion. That turned out to be so handy I made another for an A axis on my go704.

Keeps be out of the bars in my dotage.

Take care & stay well John.

Cheers, Gene Heskett, CET.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis

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