dear all;

may I raise a couple of questions, directed at some issues that were brought up 
in the beginning, when Vanina and Claudia spoke so eloquently about their work 
with archiving / writing, and here I want to address the writing (blog / & 
online digital processes,   to some extent I am thinking here of a 
live-document-hypernotational creative research site such as "Synchronous 
Objects" [] where choreographic process is 
turned into a polyphonous new artifact or reflection - creation);  first of 
all, in regard to what Claudia called the "weak archive"  

<<When I talked about Ludion as a "weak archive" (maybe a "soft archive" would 
be another way of saying it), I was thinking on these kind of projects which 
can contribute from other points of view to the
"documenting/conserving/archiving" issue. In Ludion's case, while the main goal 
is to produce a space of critical reflection, we also want to contribute to 
gather information or to make visible some type of texts -like
art manifestos- which we consider important to understand how different 
perspectives on the art/technology scenery have been developing during the last 
hundred years. We also intend to make visible the history of this
scenery in our countries.........     how the blog/website has ended up playing 
a more crucial role in both Taxonomedia and Ludion practices, I can say that at 
least in our case, as we only put Ludion on line last
December, we are in fact beginning to be aware -in a way may be we couldn't 
really imagine before- of how the website itself make us to reconsider many 
things not only in practical terms but even theoretically.>> [Claudia on 09/18]

and then want to connect this on to "workshop productions" as a form of 
transcultural modular exchange of practices, knowledge, methods, organization 
and (self)-documentation which, when coupled with the writing /blog that is 
published, becomes an archival living process of a sort,. and here i wish to 
ask how others feel about that. its effect? its reason for being, its obvious 
ephemerality and also its underlying impact which is sustained, i very strongly 
believe (since the practices are passed on, utilized, transformed..........)

How can blogs be archives? and how do they work as archives?  
can workshops be productive (afterwards) also in terms of being living 
archives, documented and conserved? is there a need to conserve workshop 

I refer you to Ricardo' post (09/27) where he speaks of the Amauta project in 
Cusco that he was part of, and he mentions the important workshops that were 
arranged then, and how they contributed to the development of intermedia 
practices, use of resources, and methods, etc.  It's great that the website is 
alive still, and its content accessible in spanish and english (Proyecto 

Surely many of you have been involved in workshops, whether artistic or, if 
this is your main interest,  documentarian and technical, say a workshop on 
best practices in video or digital documentation, software or web design 
workshops, hacking conferences, performance workshops, and so on. Like 
conferences,  they come and go,  thousands happen, and so do the modules and 
classes in universities and schools (the latter of course not quite documented 
in the same way as a museum will now document its exhibitions and collections.  
But teaching is interesting to archive, no?   and theatre, one would think, 
such a main cultural form, for so long? how come so few archives? No digital 
archive of our theatre productions?  A friend just wrote to a british theatre 
librarian to inquire about it, and was told that

 <<  The British Library does document some performances on video but these 
tend to be studio scale pieces and probably not the 'plays proper' you seek. We 
do have a substantial collection of audio recordings made at the National   
Theatre, RSC, etc., but not video. There is some collection information on the 
British Library web site here:
You may be interested in the Nation Video Archive of Performance, which is 
administered by the V&A Theatre and Performance Department. I should think this 
is more the sort of material you have in mind. Details here:

The Digital Performance Archive, once based in Nottingham Trent Univ, was 
shelved, and the Live Art Dept then dissolved,  and what is left of it is 
called, i heard, DRIP-DROP.   drip-drop?   
(  well 
DRIP-DROP apparently means Digital Resources In Performance – Digital Resources 
On Performance’,  and the archive is from 1990-2000.  and then?

So I wanted to ask Ricardo and others here whether it is worthwhile to devote 
time to blogs and the writing of workshops that will be disappeared, hidden, 
forgotten perhaps and minimized in effect, once we as participants all move on 
to make artworks or new performances.   I directed one such workshops this 
summer, at EMPAC in upstate New York, and it was the first 
Live-Media+Performance lab there, and we documented it fully, and there are 
photographs and films, and multiple versions of films and the software patches 
we created for the interactive environments,  from the workshop productions or 
experimentations;   furthermore, a blog is being written and continued.  But 
who cares, and who ever would stumble on this site, and take a minute to see 
whether information or critical reflection is relevant, and to whom and why. so 
is a workshop preservable?


Johannes Birringer
dap lab
empyre forum

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