On 2023-05-04 03:22, Masaru Nomiya wrote:

In the Message;

   Subject    : Re: [e-users] imlib2-1.11.1
   Message-ID : <d41a3fb3-50ec-a8e6-c251-e72f55533...@woelders.dk>
   Date & Time: Wed, 3 May 2023 18:05:55 +0200

[KW] == Kim Woelders <k...@woelders.dk> has written:

MN> > As for liby4m, you think that the --with-y4m switch is supposed to be
MN> > added to the configure script by default, but this is not the case.
KW> Hmm.. Looks good to me. Running "configure --help" does list the
KW>  --without-y4m option.

If there is a --without-y4m switch, isn't it normal to assume that
--with-y4m is embedded by default?

Yes, by default, if the requirements are satisfied (liby4m.pc and libyuv.pc are found) the y4m.so module should be built. --without-y4m should disable this and --with-y4m should cause configure to fail if the requirements are not satisfied.

In the case of imlib2-1.11.1, I can compile without --with-y4m
switch, but liby4m is not embedded.

To incorporate liby4m, I have to run configure script with --with-y4m

Please show the output from running configure, with and without --with-y4m.


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