Dave, if nesting were out of the question and monocle-mustache operator always 
looked like an object literal as they currently exist, would it still be as 
vile? With that form, I'm a big fan.


On Nov 11, 2011, at 3:13 PM, David Herman <dher...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On Nov 11, 2011, at 10:50 AM, Erik Arvidsson wrote:
>> We've all looked at jQuery code and envied the conciseness of its chaining 
>> APIs. Most of us also looked at it and thought; Yuk, making everything a 
>> method of jQuery and always return the jQuery object is ugly.
> Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... jQuery made combinator libraries 
> cool, and for that this functional programmer is permanently indebted to 
> jresig.
> But really, there's a world of difference between the chaining done by 
> libraries like jQuery and the chaining you get from this operator. The former 
> is pure, the latter is a mutation. The .{ syntax obscures this fact, and I 
> find that inexcusable.
> I'm not saying mutation is bad -- JS is no pure functional language, nor 
> should it be. But creating an assignment operator that doesn't suggest 
> syntactically that it's an assignment, and worse, advertising it as a 
> "chaining operator" as if it were the same thing as what jQuery does, makes 
> the same mistake of masking mutation that so many imperative programming 
> languages make. Languages should be up front when they use mutation and not 
> try to hide it or confuse programmers into not knowing when they're doing it.
> Just for contrast, here's what your example might look like with a more 
> explicit assignment syntax:
>     document.querySelector('#my-element') .= {
>         style .= {
>             'color': 'red',
>             'padding': '5px'
>         },
>         textContent: 'Hello'
>     };
> But that nested thingy smells awfully funny to me. This reminds me of 
> excessive uses of "point-free style" in Haskell, where people do back-flips 
> just to avoid creating variable names for intermediate results. Variables 
> aren't evil! Sometimes it's just cleaner to use a local variable:
>     let elt = document.querySelector('#my-element');
>     elt.style .= {
>         'color': 'red',
>         'padding': '5px'
>     };
>     elt.textContent = 'Hello';
> Worse, notice that you have provided *only* an ability to do deep mutation 
> here, and no way to do a functional update (such as a copy with the specified 
> changes, or a prototype extension with the changes) on nested structure. My 
> spidey-sense was already tingling with monocle-mustache, but this nesting is 
> another turn for the worse.
> Dave
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