While I was admiring the pros of its mutation, I overlooked how unclear it was 
that a mutation was even occurring... Anyway, thanks for the clarification.


On Nov 11, 2011, at 8:22 PM, David Herman <dher...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On Nov 11, 2011, at 4:18 PM, Rick Waldron wrote:
>> Dave, if nesting were out of the question and monocle-mustache operator 
>> always looked like an object literal as they currently exist, would it still 
>> be as vile? With that form, I'm a big fan.
> I'm of multiple minds (a condition I'm gradually getting accustomed to).
> 1) I'm really against the current syntax, because it hides the fact that it's 
> a mutation. Assignments masquerading as declarative forms bring out Angry 
> Dave (you wouldn't like me when I'm angry...)
> 2) I like it better if it includes "=" in it, e.g.:
>    obj .= { foo: 1, bar: 2 };
> 3) But that makes me really wish for a more general expression form, so I 
> could also do e.g.:
>    obj1 .= obj2;
> I've even written up a strawman for it:
>    http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:batch_assignment_operator
> 4) Allen has pointed out that this is problematic for private names. For many 
> use cases, it'd be fine if .= just didn't copy any private names -- done. But 
> Allen's class pattern wanted to be able to specify private names. So he 
> restricted the RHS to look like a literal.
> 5) Still, I have to say, the restricted RHS just seems ad hoc and 
> unsatisfying.
> Anyway, I'm still mulling.
> Dave
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