On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 01:35:12PM -0800, Rob Hudson wrote:
>At work, I leave an SSH session open to my server and run Mutt off the
>server.  Recently, our worksite acquired a firewall that closes inactive
>sessions after 15 minutes.  So if I don't get mail for 15 minutes and
>don't use the terminal, it drops me.
>What I'd like to do is update my .muttrc file and add a clock to the
>status line.  If I 'man muttrc', it tells me I can add "%<fmt>" to my
>"index_format" line to show the current time.  Anyone familiar with
>mutt rc files?  Can I add the %<fmt> to my status_format line?  Any
>other ideas to make activity on my screen to not drop the connection?

What are you using for the SSH client?  You may be able to set it to
send keepalives.  I had a problem like you describe telecommuting from
the Growers' Market to efn, and it went away when i set 2-minute 
keepalives in PuTTY.

"That time in Seattle... was a nightmare.  I came out of it dead broke,
without a house, without anything except a girlfriend and a knowledge of
UNIX."  "Well, that's something," Avi says.  "Normally those two are
mutually exclusive."                    --Neal Stephenson, "Cryptonomicon"
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