2009/1/6 Abram Demski <abramdem...@gmail.com>:
> Thomas,
> If time is merely an additional space dimension, why do we experience
> "moving" in it always and only in one direction? Why do we remember
> the past and not the future? Could a being move in some spatial
> dimension in the same way we move through time, and in doing so treat
> time more like we treat space? Et cetera.

You could model a block universe as a big stack of Life boards, where
the time dimension is represented by the spatial displacement between
the boards. There's no way the observers in such an arrangement can
step out of one board onto another, backwards or out of sequence. Some
would say that the stack of boards does not count as a computation,
and others that even if it counts as a computation it doesn't count as
a conscious computation; that to reach such states you need causality
and for causality you need fundamentally real time, not block
pseudo-time. I don't see any justification for such claims beyond a
desire to preserve the magic in the world.

Stathis Papaioannou

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