On Sat, Nov 24, 2012 at 5:15 PM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

> But strictly speaking they cannot be identical.  For example it is
> statistically certain that they will be thinking different thoughts as they
> revive from the transport.

I don't know what statistics you're referring to but I do know that when
statistics are involved certainty rarely is.

> The no-cloning theorem already ensures that they cannot be identical at
> the level of quantum state

The no cloning theorem says that you can't duplicate the quantum state of a
particle (although you can transport one at the speed of light, that is to
say you can destroy the quantum state here and recreate it over there). But
if we become a new person every time a particle in our head changed state
we'd become a new person about 10^43 times a second.

and the very interactions with the environment that make them
> quasi-classical will ensure they are not identical even at a much higher
> level than the molecular.

The duplicates  would need some sort of feedback mechanism to keep the two
brains in synchronization, non linear effects would amplify tiny
variations  into big differences, but that is a engineering detail and this
is a thought experiment, so we cut back on needless complications.

  John K Clark

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