 From: John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com>
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, September 3, 2013 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: When will a computer pass the Turing Test?

On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 12:27 PM, Chris de Morsella <cdemorse...@yahoo.com> 

I think your position is ridiculous. Evolution has clearly invested a lot of 
energy into “free will” 
>>Can not comment, don't know what ASCII sequence "free will" means.
You are merely being argumentative here. You certainly do have a very clear 
idea of the sensations you experience within your brain that we describe as 
experiencing "free will" -- to state that the only meaning this has to you is 
as a series of ASCII symbols strung together is hiding behind the skirt of 
> “self-awareness”, and other qualia that characterize conscious existence. 
>>Well, I have self awareness and other qualia, so I know that Evolution did it 
>>at least once, and maybe I'm not the only one, maybe it did it billions of 
>>times. But I also know that all Evolution can see is behavior and it can't 
>>see those qualities any better than we can see self awareness in others. 
>>Therefore I conclude that self awareness and other qualia MUST BE a byproduct 
>>of intelligent behavior.

So I take it therefore that you accept that we have "self awareness".. a clear 
sense of "self", but that "free will" is just ASCII characters strung together? 
Not very consistent of you.

Evolution did not go through all the trouble and to expend all the energy our 
species expends on creating this sensation within ourselves – whether it is 
actually real or an elaborate (and evolutionarily costly adaptation) to 
carefully create this deeply layered and highly convincing illusion of free 
will within us – for no reason at all.  
>>If free will were a illusion I would have no problem with it whatsoever! 
>>Illusions are a perfectly a legitimate phenomena worthy of study, but "free 
>>will" is not nearly as interesting because "free will" is just a noise made 
>>by the mouth.   

So if "free will" is an illusion it is therefore necessarily mere noise in your 
estimation of things; a position that you have left unsupported by any evidence 
that the brain would go through all the trouble of producing the illusion just 
to make noise.. and that the evolutionary cost of maintaining this elaborate 
ruse is essentially non-existent. That it is a free by product of something 
else that is going on that is necessary. I assume that this is what you will 
say, but you give no evidence to justify this position. Evolution is economical 
and seeks to maximize fitness; which means you need to convincingly show how 
free will necessarily arises as a by-product of some other necessary brain 
function or that it costs the brain -- and the individual now burdened with 
"free will" -- nothing in terms of evolutionary fitness.

> The brain consumes a lot of energy  >>And apparently Evolution decided that 
> the increased energy usage was worth it because the resulting intelligent 
> behavior brought more genes into the next generation than a brain that used 
> less energy and was therefore less intelligent. And consciousness just went 
> along for the ride.  

I take it that your position is that free will and self awareness are necessary 
by-products of intelligence which have no meaning or function and should be 
considered to be noise? But you cannot show how these are necessary by products 
of intelligence or that they do not impose any extra evolutionary expense on 
the individuals in which they manifest.

You do not answer the questions why? or how?

I do not think that these experiences we all experience -- including yourself  
even if you like to state that free will is just  a string of ASCII characters 
to you -- can be generated within our brains at no extra cost -- both the 
direct costs of all the brain activity required in order to generate it and all 
the ancillary costs for the survival of the individuals who have it and who now 
must wrestle with "self awareness", "personal death -- i.e. our own mortality", 
and "free will"

You have failed to demonstrate how all these qualia arise in the brain at no 
extra cost -- as you assert -- and that they impose no direct and ancillary 
evolutionary costs on the individual. I doubt you can demonstrate this; just as 
I doubt your position is correct. But I would like to see you demonstrate how 
the experience of "self awareness" and "free will" are by-products of the 
evolution of intelligence and how they impose zero evolutionary expense (you 
state that they provide zero benefits -- so therefore you burden yourself with 
showing how they impose zero evolutionary cost)


  John K Clark


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