On 11/9/2013 5:27 PM, spudboy...@aol.com wrote:
Good point. But it wasn't entirely a command economy that achieved these technical wins. In other words you can say Sputnik in 57, but everything you listed appears to have had a capitalist basis. NASA could not have gotten off the ground withoutr Grumann, for example. GE, the boiling water reactor, the internet, the military internet in 66 without TRW.

I didn't say the government had to do it with civil servants (although that's how LFTRs were developed). NACA did just find without Grumman and later became NASA. Westinghouse built the first power reactor for the Navy under direction from Rickover. The internet's technology (TCP/IP) was developed by academics at CERN and MIT. But the government had to set the goals, contract for the work, and tax to pay to make it happen. No investors came forward to fund space flight or NASA.

Why I like the prize model for innovation, is that it seems to work better nowadays, where as the command economy model works better in 1913 or 1948.

Nobody mentioned "command economy", except you - another straw man.


I cannot be certain of this, or why this seems true. Perhaps, its not true and I am wrong, but for example when the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico 3 years ago, we saw a flood of innovation coming to the rescue. From what I understand, the fix to the oil flood was stemmed by the design of a master plumber living in Kansas.

Les the Plumber from Boca Raton. Sounds like a Faux News wet dream. Les says the cap use "looks like" (on TV) the one he sent in a sketch to President Obama

The plumber was paid an undisclosed sum for his model, but there were lots of others, some from private companies, others from academia.

Sure, there were a lot sent in by first graders. 77,000 ideas were submitted by the public and 190 were "selected for further review" but none were used per Joesph Groveman spokesman for the spill response center.


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