On 1/27/2014 5:22 AM, Edgar L. Owen wrote:

I don't think my statement is confused. Your response is ambiguous because it doesn't specify frames of reference correctly.

The object's clock DOES tick slower according to the external observer's clock, but obviously not by the object's OWN comoving clock. It is of course ACTUALLY objectively ticking slower because it is falling into a gravity well which is an absolute, not a relative phenomenon.

Contrary to what you said, the object's comoving clock DOES actually 'physically' (your words) tick slower. it's just that the infalling clock can't measure its own slowing...

Obviously one can't tell how fast a clock is ticking by comparing the clock to itself. That's proper time which always appears to tick at the same rate, but ONLY because all comoving processes tick in synch. Proper time does NOT measure an actual gravitational time dilation, or any time dilation for that matter.

The infalling observer has an ABSOLUTE slowing of its clock due to increasing gravitation but just cannot locally measure that slowing.

The infalling observer just falls in an goes about his business (assuming a very large BH) until he gets spaghettified by tidal forces near the singularity. There's no slowing of his clock. What could possibly be the mechanism for slowing it? He's on an inertial frame. He isn't even accelerated. For the clock to slow would be a violation of the principle of equivalence.

Thus in the infalling observer's experience as his clock slows he will never actually reach the event horizon because his clock comes to a complete ACTUAL PHYSICAL stop at that point.

Nope. Try reading Lewis Carroll Epstein's "Relativity Visualized". A good clock keeps proper time along its world line. Gravitational time dilation is a purely geometric effect of spacetime (just like the twin paradox). The clock *appears* to run slower in the gravitational well because it has to traverse more space.


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