On 28 January 2014 16:17, Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Jan 27, 2014, at 4:38 PM, LizR <lizj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 28 January 2014 09:21, Jason Resch < <jasonre...@gmail.com>
> jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> But Jason I want to ask you a direct question, and this isn't rhetorical
>>> I'd really like an answer:  If there is no all encompassing purpose or a
>>> goal to existence and if the unknown principle responsible for the
>>> existence of the universe is not intelligent and is not conscious and is
>>> not a being then do you think it adds to clarity to call that principle
>>> "God"?
>> I consider this question equivalent to asking "If there is no elan vital
>> found within organisms, does it still make sense to call those organisms
>> life?" Asking this question illustrates the attitude of holding the word in
>> higher esteem than the idea, which to me seems little different from a kind
>> of "ancestor worship" (which you are also opposed to). I think there is a
>> common kernel of idea behind the word God, which is common across many
>> religions, though each religion also adds various additional things on top
>> of and beyond what is contained in that kernel. If our theories lead us to
>> conclude God has or doesn't have these attributes, that is progress, and
>> our definitions ought to update accordingly, just as we did not throw out
>> the word "life" when we discovered it is just matter arranged in certain
>> ways. Similarly, even if we were to determine God is not "omnipotent", or
>> not "conscious", should we abandon that word and come up with something
>> else? Should we do this every time we learn some knew fact about some
>> thing? If we did, it seems to me that any old text would have an
>> incomprehensible vocabulary, as scientific progress forced us to adopt knew
>> words each time we learned something new.
>> Nevertheless, might there not be a threshold beyond which it seems
> ridiculous to drag a word and its associated baggage?
> Perhaps, but what word would you nominate for the infinite, transcendent,
> eternal, uncreated, immutable, ground of all reality? Or for those minds
> that simulate whole worlds and universes for fun?

Tao would be a possibility. But see below.

> We are far from proving such (god-like) things do not exist, and I would
> say the opposite is the case: their existance is a consequence of many
> theories, including most of the everything type theories popular on this
> list.

I never claimed we were. I was merely looking for a suitable word.

Hence we *could *say the planets move in epicycles, but we prefer to call
them orbits, since that word doesn't carry the baggage of a discredited
theory. Similarly, we don't talk about the aether, but space-time; we don't
talk about elan vital, but DNA....I'm sure you can think of a few similar

Élan vital and DNA are two explanations (theories) of life. Just as the
> "Abrahamic God" and the "comp God" are two explanations (theories) of that
> which is responsible for our existance.

My point was that we didn't carry across terms from earlier theories *where
they were likely to cause confusion*. And there seems to be some confusion
over this one.

> Explanations may fall in and out of favor, but the phenomenon to be
> explained persists.

Obviously this is often the case, although sometimes the phenomenon turns
out to be part of something else (electricity and magnetism, space and

I think "God" has enough baggage that the answer to John's question should
be "no". Although given the unconscious reification of various things
(matter, maths, minds...) we might still want a relatively neutral term for
"the (possibly unknowable) principle behind the universe".

Any suggestions?
> (Assuming most people on this list are Westerners, I suppose we could try
> "Tao" ... or maybe "Ylem" ?)
> I think that might be somewhat more prone to misinterpretation. I think
> "god" is a little more neutral since it does not refer to any particular
> religion.
> I was looking for a word that was unlikely to be in the religion of any of
the people on this list, with the possible exception of Raymond Smullyan. I
think a 3-letter word is just the right length. However, maybe "Tao"
doesn't really work...

I quite fancy calling it "ORR" myself (after George Orr).

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