On 5/17/2017 2:07 AM, David Nyman wrote:

    To the extent that it ought to be possible for any program to
    represent any other program by a suitable time-based transformation
    applied by an external observer, then yes.

I think there's a subtlety here. If we're speaking about *physical* supervenience (which is after all the only kind that could be "observed" externally) then of course I agree with you and Brent that the relation with computation and hence, by assumption, with consciousness, becomes ambiguous in the sense that it's open to variation by extrinsic interpretation. I tend to agree that in this case the implication is so much the worse for this definition of supervenience.

However, if we're speaking strictly of computational supervenience,

I'm not sure what that mean? ...supervenience of consciousness on computation? on arithmetic? of computation on arithmetic?

then ISTM that no notion of "external observation" can now coherently apply. You can't speak of "observing" a computation unless you're already implicitly assuming physical supervenience.

Bruno's theory is based on interviews of a perfect machine which "observes" what it proves, knows, believes, bets,...

So on the strict assumption of computational supervenience without extraneous additions a computation simply is what it is, as it were, and as such is invulnerable to variation of extrinsic interpretation. So in this case there need be no ambiguity and the notion of supervenience seems to be robust in this respect.

If it "is what it is" then there's nothing to supervene on. Supervenience takes two arguments. But as just an abstract computation it is not clear how it can be "consciousness" OF something. I realize that the idea is that it is conscious of (believes) things in the computation. It is like the consciousness of a simulated person is a simulated world. The simulated person is conscious of things in the simulated world. But my view is that the simulated consciousness supervenes on the simulated physics, simply in order to have something consistent enough to be "a world".


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