On 26 May 2017, at 21:51, David Nyman wrote:

On 26 May 2017 at 18:32, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

On 26 May 2017, at 14:04, David Nyman wrote:

where that elusive internal space (which we seek in vain in extrinsically-completed models such as physics tout court)

Here we might differ, and you might be more mechanist than me (!). We could have used a notion of physical truth, instead of arithmetical truth. What the UDA shows is that this requires to abandon mechanism. But if we get evidence that consciousness reduces the wave, or that QM is false, then we might reasonably consider that a physical reality exists ontologically, and well, in that case we must find a non computationalist theory of mind, which of course, in that case, will rely on the physical notion of truth. It is an open problem if we can use or not the same hypostases with non-arithmetical modal boxes. G and G* remains correct for a vast class of non mechanical entities.

​Well, I think, with your help, that I've reached an elementary understanding (or at least a better intuition) of what you mean by arithmetical truth and its possible application in the resolution of the mind-body problem.​

Arithmetical truth is easy, although its use is more delicate. It is easy, and it is taught in primary school (here = 6 to 12 years old).

The complexity is only in metamathematics (mathematical logic). It comes from the fact that we cannot define a predicate of truth, V, such that a machine could prove

p <-> V("p") (which is the least we can ask for a truth predicate).

If that existed, by Gödel diagonal lemma, we could find a proposition k such that the machine will prove k <-> ~V(k), and so the machine would prove both k <-> V(k), and k <-> ~V(k), and eventually conclude k <-> ~k, and be inconsistent. That is of course the Epimenides paradox.

​Yes, so on pain of inconsistency, not everything the machine can say can definitely be provably true (or false).

In a way ascertainable by the machine, or the entity under consideration. OK.

If you and me believe that PA is arithmetically sound (like all mathematicians believe), and if PA proves X, then you and me can say that it is provably true, but PA cannot. PA can say X, but cannot say true('X'). PA can express "I know X" in the sense of proving 'Beweisbar('X') & X, but not in the sense "beweisbar('X') & true('X').

(The predicate ~V would also exist, and the diagonal lemma says that for all predicate P the machine can find a solution to the formula x <-> P(x), that is, can find a sentence k such that the machine will prove k <-> P(k).

But we can define truth predicate on restricted set of sentences.

​Necessarily so, it would seem.

Yes, but it is not completely obvious.

And we can use richer theories. In set theory, it is easy to define the arithmetical truth. Of course, in the background we use the notion of set-theoretical truth, which, if we would define it would requires strong infinity axiom (ZF + kappa exists) for example.

Arithmetical truth is the simplest notion of all definition of truth. "AxP(x)" is true simply means that P(n) is true whatever n is. It is the infinite or:

P(0) v P(1) v P(2), v P(3), etc.

The amazing thing, alreadu apparent in Post 1922 and Gödel 1931, but quite clarified since, is that

1) we can describe the complete functioning of any universal (and non universal) system in the arithmetical language, but, and that is the key, in virtue of the true-ness of the relation between the numbers, the computations are not just describe in arithmetic, but they are emulated.

​In effect, they are actioned.

OK. In the out-of-time manner of the block-mindscape, in virtue of the true realtion existing in the number relation. It is there that many confuse:

 the number s(0),
the Gödel number of s(0),
the Gödel number of the Gödel number of s(0), which plays very different role, all important, when we translate UDA in arithmetic.

Of course, this needs a good familiarity with the understanding of the difference between language, theories, and truth (models).

I know you and some other have well understood this, but not all here seems to have grasped that quite important distinction, between truth, theories and languages. Also, I am sure you forget to apply this sometimes, see below. I think you don't take mechanism seriously enough. (as working hypothesis of course).

​Oh dear. But I've looked below and I'm not sure where I'm going wrong :(

May be I have just misunderstood some proposition you made.

But what might be a corresponding notion of physical truth? Is it just Brent's insistence on a completed instrumental account of neurocognition in terms of physical action?

Brent defines truth by physical truth. It is OK, but cannot work with mechanism (uda, etc.)

​But then you say below there is no physical truth, only physical modes. But perhaps you mean only assuming mechanism. If one doesn't assume this, what then is physical truth?

A primitive thing. It is then assumed at the start. To be sure, this is never done. But logically, assuming non mechanism, someone can do that. Implicitly, the metaphysical natiuralist does that all the time. In applied physics, we do that by simple pointing.

No politician would refuse a project to go on the moon by saying that "moon" is not well defined. But when doing metaphysics, we have to be clear on such things.

But such an account would not even address the provenance of the perceptual facts in terms of which that very action appeared to us. Could that be sufficient to justify the inference that perception was a "physical truth", as opposed to merely being effectively eliminated?

I think we are perhaps close to a point where we could slightly disagree. I can still make some sense of Brent's proposition, and of physicalism, by assuming a physical universe, as starting hypothesis. The price is to abandon mechanism. That will make everything a bit magical, but it can be consistent, and worst, true.

​Yes, but what's true about a physical universe that could be invoked (or inferred, pace Brent) to explain consciousness of it?​

I might have answer this already? If not please bring the question back.

better say no to the doctor, in that case. This would need things like kappa, or even more complex set-theoretical objects. Eventually it is like Ptolemeaus epycicle, and with mechanism, literal invisible horses, but time consuming horses to describe when doing the prediction. Today that remains possible, and that is why I try to propose a test.

​Do you mean YD? That's some test! Mind you, partial brain prostheses are almost upon us.

I suspect, in the end, that any viable notion of physical truth would inevitably collapse, under analysis, to mechanism and consequently to arithmetical truth. And so the argument will begin again ;)

The physical truth, with mechanism, is the truth about the (measure on) the computations which "continues" you in arithmetic, as seen from some intern​al​ points of view.


using G, we can described it roughly but precisely by Bp & Dt & p, with p computable (sigma).

In Plotinus-like terms, arithmetical truth is the One. the only thing you need to believe in, or understand.

​OK again. And as I remarked recently (although you haven't commented yet) the body is perhaps what allows the symmetry of that One to be broken, at least in terms of the points of view.

Yes. Like the consciousness of the guy who open the door in Washington, after a WM-duplication, breaks the 3p symmetry of the (3p) protocol. (of course it is a physical body, but a relative representation among infinitely many, in the real "global" case, "in front of the "immaterial UD").

But that is a semantical reality. it is know that the arithmetical truth cannot be axiomatize completely by any reasonable/effective theory. We cannot "really" define it ourselves, but like consciousness, we have quickly a good intuitive grasp on it. We don't complain when our kids learns that prime numbers exists, even an infinity of them.

That is what I sum up by p. It is the sentence asserted by a machine (or not, here there is the nuance which, if misunderstood paved the road to the theological trap). Indeed, with mechanism, p will be sigma. And for the sigma proposition we have G* proves p <-> []p. So God becomes the universal turing machine! Blaspheme!

​Well, the machine becomes the universal experiencer, the monopsychic, multiply-amnesic "solus ipse". Is that God?

It is the inner God, but with computationalism at the meta-level, it is God from God's point of view, but the machine cannot know that. That is why some prayer, to God, remains unavoidable for the YD.

ISTM that an aspect of God must also somehow be implicated in arithmetic itself which, as the fons et origo of the supremely creative widget, is the sole assumptive ontology for everything that follows.

Yes, but once Mechanism is assumed, we are free to assume only the sigma1 arithmetical truth. That is why the *theory* can assume only RA. But for the semantic, it is easier to keep the whole (non effective) arithmetic---the structure (N, 0, + ,*), even if we decide to put it in the machine epistemology.

Not really, because the correct machine will just stay mute on []p - > p.

With mechanism, we don't go out of the much more tiny, computable (cf the universal dovetailer, the "splashed universal Turing machine) sigma truth. The usual Arithmetical truth can also be relegate to the imagination of the universal numbers.

So, we have the truth,


and we have the modal nuances, literally enforced by incompleteness, as the Löbian machine already know:

Bp                           The justfiable  (G1 and G1*)
Bp & p                     The knowable  (S4Grz1)

and the two matters of the neoplatonists:

Bp & Dt intelligible matter (sharable quanta and piece of classical and quantum bits) The observable (Z1 and Z1*) Bp & Dt & p (sensible matter (unsharable qualia, undescribable by any bits in any language) The sensible (X1 and X1*)

Thee modes split, by inheriting the G/G* split. Note that the decidability of G is inherited on all modes, including G*.
The splitting gives interesting corona (G* \  G, Z1* \  Z1, X1* \ X1).

Some quantum logics appears in S4Grz1, Z1*, X1*.

So, if you want, there is only one notion of fundamental truth assumed (ontologically).( (sigma) arithmetical truth). All the rest are imposed as self-referential modalities, by incompleteness (which belongs to the arithmetical truth) on the self-referentially correct universal number, relatively to each others.

​Which I called, rather vaguely in answer to Brent, (epistemological) generalisations of arithmetical truth (meaning only that they added no new entities or relations to the assumptive ontology)​

All right. Not even PA's induction axioms. Despite we will interview PA, when mimicked by RA.

The physical truth is one way "arithmetic" looks at itself. It is first person plural, because we share the "measure one", in the "& Dt" modalities, although this has not yet been completely clarified.

​Yes, I've just said that in response to Brent's remarks about the point-of-view invariance of physical observables.


To put is more bluntly: there is no physical truth. Only some true physical mode.

​OK but what about what you said above? I think I see that you must intend this on the assumption of mechanism only. What physical truth could be on any other assumption is presumably a different matter.

Yes, and with non-comp, you are free to say almost anything, as *from a mechanist view*, this will always look like "God made it". You can say that the physical reality are those potatoes on the table. The problem is that physicalist sometime forget that [physics = the fundamental science] is a metaphysical assumption which needs to be made in a metaphysical theory. But they often use [physics = the fundamental science] to avoid doing metaphysics. Like they can use Mechanism to avoid the mind-body problem, but this kicks back.

Normally given by []p & Dt (& p). In my thesis I was wrong when saying that S4Grz1, the logic of (Bp &p), p sigma, collapse. It did not, which makes things even closer to Plotinus. The soul has already a foot in Matter, somehow.

​Well, surely without a connection to matter it would be perceptually stranded in the unbroken symmetry of the One.

Except that S4Grz1 seems to broke the symmetry, even without matter. But then I was wrong, matter does appear already. The grz formula, in S4Grz(1) impose the Kripke relation to be antisymmetrical. The (1), which comes from mechanism (made explicit in arithmetic) restore a symmetry at the bottom of physics, that is the reversibility of the fundamental physical laws (a good step toward "unitary physics").

Note that the soul does not split along G/G*.

​And therefore....?

The Divine Intellect, and the discursive man share the Soul. We are the same person on Earth and in Heaven. That is not the case for the observable and the sensible. Heaven and Earth obeys the same first person quantum logic, but not in a sharable way. The outer-God does not distinguish our particular soul and our universal soul, despite we will feel different, for the observable and the sensible.


Hope this is not too much technical

, but I needed to get the short answer: there is no physical truth, only physical modes, which are uncertainty measure on accessible continuation.

​Yes, the Born "probabilities" (hopefully).


What Aristotle called the physical universe, is only a map of our most accessible continuations in arithmetic.


OK. I think that our difficulty remains only in the fact that I see the Outer-God (the ONE) as 3p, where (and I think I see why) you would prefer to consider it 0p, which I think is OK, but one step closer to the blaspheme, the YD, without interrogation mark, assumes that the doctor is a scientist, when he is really only a priest. Maybe I should describe comp by CT + YD?. The "?" is not technically avoidable: it requires a "religious" act of faith, and cannot be enforced to people (and there is a problem with the kids, like in all religion, solvable in practice by the "legal age" notion for deciding or not to ask the kid's act of faith or not).





is equated with the truths, as distinct from the formal procedures, of arithmetic. The strength of the logical models that Bruno utilises in the machine interviews is then that they can be characterised in this sense as "accessing truths". However, their purely extrinsic formulation is in the relevant sense "incomplete" in this regard. Their completion in that same sense is to be found in the conjunction of an extrinsic formulation with an intrinsic (reflexive) logic that is comprehensible only in terms of what the subject thus modelled perceives to be true, i.e to correspond with its perceptually-available "facts". The consequence is then that consciousness is equated in this view with whatever is perceptually true, in the first instance, for a given subject.

I mainly agree. I would use "intuit" for the Bp & p, and "perceive" with the Bp & Dt (& p). But that is an old bad habit, perhaps, as I thought that Bp & p collapse on p sigma. But that is not the case, and Plotinus was right (!), the soul (Bp & p) has already a intuition/perception of the physical reality).

Here we have the problem that we get three quantum logics, and thus three physics. Normally Bp & p, with p sigma, is "heaven physics", and Bp & Dt (& p), p sigma, is terrestrial physics. Normally Bp & Dt gives the quanta, and Bp & Dt & p gives the qualia, but it is slightly more complex than that, for technical reason.

Now, toy model or not, ISTM that there is surely something in the foregoing that offers certain relevant conceptual footholds that are unavailable in alternative schemas. It's also something that can in principle be examined and tested rigorously even though it is at present largely neglected and at a very early stage of development. At least it seems to offer a way of avoiding the equally unpalatable polarities I mentioned before - of brute identity theory on the one hand, or the fruitless search for some "internal" state of matter on the other. Either of these alternatives has struck me for a long time as falling into the category of "not even wrong".

OK. I agree, but I think that Brent's main mistake is that he is oblivious that I show the existence of a problem with Mechanism, and show that the problem can be translated in arithmetic, and that it leads up to now to a theology, testable by the constraints it put on the core of physics (indeed, we do get a quantum-like logic). I show that Gödel's theorem is not only a chance for mechanism by justifying the existence of the knower (Bp a p), but Gödel's theorem justifies the existence of the matter appearances as well, when p is sigma, and when we add the "probability" clause: that is the "Dt".



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