On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 9:42 AM John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 4, 2023 at 5:24 PM Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> *> that fact is not central, despite the ramblings on Wikipedia.*
> It is my experience that when a debate opponent resorts to disparageing
> the accuracy of Wikipedia I know that I've backed him into a corner and
> he's desperate. Would it really hurt that much to just admit you're wrong?

Wikipedia is not authoritative. It is just someone's opinion.

*I don't recall you ever giving a sound argument in favour of this view.*
> Then you have a remarkably poor memory! I'll tell you what I remember,
> writing several rather detailed posts and you just saying I was wrong with
> no specifics. If you think something I said was not sound then please point
> it out, I doubt it but maybe it'll even turn out you're right and then I'll
> have to change my worldview, but to do that you'll have to pinpoint exactly
> where I went wrong.  Next I expect you to say that I made so many errors
> that you are unable to pick out a single one.

Perhaps that is the case. But you have not ever derived the Born rule from
MWI, so I can stand by that.


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