From: Nathalie Gontier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

if there are a lot of English speakers that want to come to the presentation, I will ask Luc to give the talk in English, which will not be a major problem
but then I have to be absolutely sure that many of you will be coming.

I think there may be a couple that would be interested, such as Marko, but the problem is that you won't get many reactions from English speakers if the original announcement is in Dutch. Maybe you should ask Luc himself, as he probably would prefer to do it in English given that most of his work is anyway in that language...

>For those who may not know the speaker (are there such?), the talk
below is definitely worth attending! Luc Steels is an international
authority on computer models of the evolution of language, and the
work done in his AI-lab is very inspiring. The subject of his talk,
the self-organization of language and meaning, also  fits in directly
with our core ECCO themes...

A note for Nathalie: if you want to distribute further DITO or other
announcements to the evolcomp mailing list, you better do it from
your own email address, because mails from the address below are
>bounced by the mailserver.

ok, I will

The address from which you sent this mail was still not accepted by the mailserver, as you are subscribed under <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. If you want I can change your subscription, but unfortunately there is no clean way to subscribe you under different addresses unless you don't mind getting several copies of evolcomp mails.

Francis Heylighen
Center "Leo Apostel"
Free University of Brussels

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