Title: Re: [ECCO] Working Papers and Demos
Francis, right now I'm working on a paper about the necessity for a multilingual approach in the study of memetics. Is there a place in the wiki where I could post some ideas about that and maybe get some feedback or do I need to wait until the paper is finished? There is no paper about this yet and I don't know if there will be the possibility for ongoing study after this (theoretical) paper will be written so I don't feel like http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be:8000/ECCO-web/7 is the right place to put something like that. Also as there is no paper yet  I don't know if it would be possible to put it under 'working papers'.

Without something that resembles a complete paper (including abstract, references, conclusion, etc.), you should not add it to the "working papers" section. The proper place for such bits and pieces to be elaborated and commented upon before they become a paper is the "collaboratory" (work-in-progress section) on our private wiki:


To reach this, you will need your ECCO login. Once the text is there, you better individually invite people if you want to get comments...

(I also noticed that both the menu and the layout in the ecco-web seem to have vanished (!))

That is only because I mentioned the URL of the wiki page itself, rather than the one of the frame containing the wiki page. The disadvantage of frames is that you cannot directly link to one of the subframes while keeping the overall frame layout.

Mixel will be looking into the wiki software to do something about this: change the HTML produced by the wiki so that it would automatically add layout information to every page, and we could forget about the frames. My own attempts to achieve that have failed until now, and I'm counting on Mixel's expertise in the Squeak programming underlying the swiki software to taylor it to our requirements.

Francis Heylighen     
Evolution, Complexity and Cognition group
Free University of Brussels

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