On Tue, 2005-08-23 at 10:09 -0400, Jeffrey Stedfast wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-08-23 at 07:45 -0600, Jeffrey D. Means wrote:
> > Why is it that when using Evolution as a MUA with IMAP when I delete a
> > piece of mail I have to take a 4 step process to actually delete the
> > trash:
> > 1: Pressing delete places it in the Evolution Trash folder for the
> > IMAP account
> hitting delete on a message in, say, INBOX, just flags the message as
> deleted (this is how IMAP works, and in fact, all other mail clients)

True it does flag it as deleted but it places it in the Evolution/Trash
folder under the IMAP account which you have to expunge to get the
message moved to the Account/Inbox/Trash folder where you again have to
flag it as deleted then expunge that folder to actually delete the

I only found this to be true after wondering where I had tied up 500MB
of space in my Maildir on the server I run.  It turned out I had over 1
million messages going back over the past year that were flagged as
deleted but not expunged from my IMAP trash folder.  As I just proved
that you really have to delete the message in a 4 step process as I
outlined earlier.  Also you have to expunge _each_ folder individually
to ensure that the message really is removed from the folder not just
marked deleted (this is probably IMAP standard behavior.)  The software
I am running is courier-IMAP with qmail behind it.
> > 2: Expunging the IMAP Account/IMAP/Trash folder moves it to my IMAP
> > Account/Inbox/Trash folder
> no idea what you are saying here as this makes no sense.
> if you Expunge in INBOX (or whatever folder you deleted a message from),
> it removes it from the server (and virtual Trash folder as well)
> permanently.
> > 3: Deleting the items in the IMAP Account/Inbox/Trash folder
> no need... and in fact can't. a message in the Trash folder is already
> marked as Deleted.
> > 4: Finally now I can / have to expunge the Inbox/Trash as well
> eh? the message was completely wiped from the server at step 2...
Jeffrey D. Means
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