Andreas Metzler wrote:

> Matthew Ford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   SMTP timeout while connected to [111.222.333.444] 
> >   after initial connection: Connection timed out
> >
> > What should I do to get my TLS and authentication working?
> Looks like your remote host is not providing TLS (using the
> STARTTLS command) but the (non-standard) ssl-on-connect. Exim does not
> support SSL-on connect as client, you'd need to plug-in stunnel in
> between.

When I telnet to my remote host on port 465, I just get the following, and 
nothing more...

  Trying 111.222.333.444...
  Connected to (111.222.333.444).
  Escape character is '^]'.

Does this confirm that my host is using ssl-on-connect? (NB I know the 
host works, because I am sending this message through it with Pine!)

I'll hunt around on Google to find some instructions for setting up 
Stunnel with Exim... (unless you already know a good reference?)

> Are you positive that the remotehost does not provide TLS on either the
> SMTP (25) or message-submission (587) port?

On port 25, yes - but that is blocked by my ISP (I am receiving my 
incoming mail on another non-standard port via a relay service). There is 
no response on port 587.


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