On Thu, 27 Apr 2006, ji'e'toh wrote:
> if I create (described below) different files:
> aliases
> aliases.my.domain1.com
> aliases.my.domain2.com
> aliases.my.domain3.com
> now exim say to me: no alias file aliases.v1.vserver.com, this is right, but
> why?

You've configured Exim to use aliases.v1.vserver.com for local addresses.
Based on your debugging output it looks like your configuration has both a
virtual aliases router and a system aliases router, and they are both
trying to handle aliases for addresses @v1.vserver.com. The virtual
aliases router fails for these addresses because the file is missing.

Also, the way you have set things up, routing addresses at your virtual
domains will go via your server domain before it gets to an actual user
account. This is fine.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   http://dotat.at/   ${sg{\N${sg{\

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