On 22/12/2007 09:46, Leonardo Boselli wrote:
> i would linke to know if i could write
> local_part_prefix = /etc/exim4/allowed_prefixes.doma_in

I don't see why not; you can certainly have
    local_part_prefix = ab- : cd- : ef-

In fact you might even have
    domains = example.com example.net example.org
    local_part_prefix = /etc/exim4/allowed_prefixes.$domain

Just try it; exim's testing facilities are excellent.

> (also: is so, there prefixes are read ar start time or every time a
> message is coming ?)

The file would be stat'ed every time it was referred to (e.g. every time 
a message arrives), and reloaded when it changed, so changes to the file 
would be effective immediately rather than at the next restart.



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