On 2011-03-10 at 10:43 -0500, Dean Brooks wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 03:53:08PM +0100, Uros Meglic wrote:
> > if I got this right the $header_from expand into "Username <
> > usern...@domain.com>". Is this right? Now how could get just <
> > usern...@domain.com> out of this $header_from?
> The expansion of ${address:$h_from:} will give you what you are
> looking for.  If you want it in all lower-case, you could even do
> ${lc:${address:$h_from:}}
> Now, this assumes that there is only a single address in the From:
> header, which is 99.9% of the time.  Haven't tested it on what
> happens with multiple addresses in the header.

You get nothing.

To get the last:
To get the first:
  ${reduce{${addresses:$h_from:}}{}{${if eq{$value}{}{$item}{$value}}}}

Alternatively, you can choose to reject messages with multiple addresses
in From: in your DATA ACL; you'll be rejecting messages that are
technically well-formed, but it's your system and you get to choose what
you accept (unless you have contracts with customers saying otherwise).

The easy way to test these things:

$ cat <<EOM > test.eml
From: Phil Pennock <p...@example.com>, Snert <sn...@example.com>
To: Philip <phi...@example.org>
Subject: Hey ho
Date: nowish

$ exim -bem test.eml
> ${address:$h_to:}
> ${address:$h_from:}

> ${addresses:$h_from:}
> ${reduce{${addresses:$h_from:}}{}{$item}}
> ${reduce{${addresses:$h_from:}}{}{${if eq{$value}{}{$item}{$value}}}}

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