On 2013-08-08 09:53, Phil Pennock wrote:
log_selector = +pid +smtp_connection

great, didn't know about it.

records with A=<authenticator>:$authenticated_id which user
authenticated to try to send the email (thus the need to use
server_set_id) and early in the log-line you have a [pid] field in
square brackets.

As I dislike the idea of parsing log files (takes too long etc.) - but
another idea came to my mind after reading your advise - I can save
pair(pid,autenticated_id) to database with pid as unique key (to solve
pid reuse) and simple select+kill would do.

(that line will also have the pid on it: pid is *consistently* logged,
when in the selector) and end up with "pids which have seen mail
authenticated as this user and for which we have not seen a connection

I'll log pids anyway for debug :)

Marcin Gryszkalis, PGP 0x9F183FA3
jabber jid:m...@fork.pl, gg:2532994

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