Wow! that's pretty awesome. Thank Alan. 

That will make life a little easier just knowing how to deal with that
Netscape oddity. I'm guessing this isn't something high on their list of
things to fix.

**  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed       | ICQ#27816299
** <_||_> in the making of this         |
**  =\/=  message...                    | Registered Linux user #182496

On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Alan Shoemaker wrote:

> Mark Weaver wrote:
> [snip]
> > 
> > that is exactly what I was doing. In fact, strangely enough it started
> > happening when I was setting up a filter I affectionately call the
> > twit-list to filter Mallard and his cohort Bill. :)  odd, huh? For what
> > ever reason Netscape is doing this what you said makes sense. What do
> > you supposed is causing Netscape to behave this way when performing
> > this?
> [snip]
> Mark....I did an experiment and corrupted my mailrules file
> purposely by using copy/paste.  Then I opened it in a text
> editor and visually scanned it for any oddities.  
> I found that the corruption was (it was easy to find as it was
> the filter I'd edited using copy/paste that was corrupted) a
> linefeed followed by a bunch of spaces.  Removing the linefeed
> and the following spaces fixed the file so that it was again
> recognisible by netscape messenger (no error message).  
> For some reason, when copy/pasting from the To:, From:, Reply
> To:, etc. fields in netscape messenger's messages the paste
> function adds extra linefeeds and spaces to the text you are
> pasting.  That's as close to a reason as I can get.  :-)
> Alan

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