On Sat, 9 Mar 2002, Michael Holt wrote:

> Hello experts!
>       I've got a graphics question, though not really specific to
> any OS.  A couple years ago, my wife and I went to the local mall, sat in
> a booth and paid $5 to have a machine take our picture and then sketch it
> in what looks like the hand of Da Vinci.  It's a very cool picture!  My
> question is, does anyone know what I'm talking about and if there's some
> kind of gimp plugin that could do the same thing?  I guess it doesn't have
> to be gimp, but that seemed like the logical choice.  I've looked around
> for a couple of months off and on trying to find something on the web, but
> no luck.  Any ideas would be great!
Yah. Photoshop has several plugins that will mimic various styles from
pencil sketches to Seurat to Van Gogh to Ansel Addams...

In Gimp You can play around with the Artistic|Gimpressionist or
Artistic|Oilify filters to get some similar effects. E.g., play around
with the contrast settings so you get some broad areas of color then
use the Gimpressionist tool to redo the lines with crayon strokes.

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