On Sun, 10 Mar 2002, Michael Holt wrote:

> >It doesn't sound like you've tried the different filters in GIMP. Check
> >them out - specifically the Artist one which has various subsets. Have
> >fun experimenting.
> >
> Yeah, I've been playing with the different filters, and the gimp does a
> lot, I was just looking for something a little bit more automated - does
> that make sense?
Even the PhotoShop ones I've used require some tweaking beforehand. If
you can write down the steps to create the image you want, you can
create it as a script to run automatically.

BTW, I've been playing around with mimicing the effect of "Starry Night"
and "The Red Vineyard" in Gimp and got some decent results using the
Filter|Color|Map|AlienMap, Noise, and Gimpressionist filters.
Gimpressionist, especially, contains a radial setting that does a good
job of the twirl effect in the above paintings.

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