my camera isn't supported by gphoto apparently but, since it is identified in 
usbview as a different casio camera that is supported by gphoto, that's not a 
bad idea,
i'll play with editing files, though i'll be just guessing what to mess with, 
back up first i think :-)


On Wednesday 23 Oct 2002 5:59 pm, Jack Coates wrote:
> The camera is being detected as a mass storage device because that's the
> fallback -- if the camera can't be detected as anything else, you can
> always just mount the damn thing as a VFAT disk and pull the photos off.
> Out of curiousity, have you installed the gphoto drivers? That might
> help your system identify a camera...
> I don't know how to make it not do that, but you can edit that library
> file, find the section that's triggered by your camera, and change the
> mount point there. Clearly the sections labeled camera aren't the
> sections that are triggered by yours, so you might do well to focus on
> other parts of the file.
'There has to be enough light,' he panted, 'to see the darkness.'
(Moving Pictures)

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