Yesterday, [EMAIL PROTECTED] mused:

> I'm glad to hear that someone was able to get it to work with the default ML 
> install. I wasn't so lucky. I have finally managed to get it to work after 3 
> fresh installs of ML 9 plus I had to d/l and install the orinoco 
> drivers... 

Well, what might be the case is that both my laptops just happen to be 
linux compatible.  Not that I planned it that way - I just REALLY got 

> BTW, why isn't there a .../pcmcia-3.x.x directory in ML 8.2 and 9.0 like 
> there was in ML 8.1? Also, according to the PCMCIA-HOWTO, there's suppose to 
> be a utility script called "probe" in a /cardmgr directory to help in 
> determining the PCIC - I can't find the utility or the directory. Actually I 
> did find a script named probe but it had something to do with NetCat.

In /sbin there are a couple binaries (cardctl and cardmgr) which both have 
man pages you can read - I'm not sure about the other stuff you ask.  
Again, my laptops both detected my card AND installed the correct drivers 
with both mdk 8.2 and mdk 9.0.  There's a previous post which talks about 
16 bit vs. 32 bit pcmcia cards - maybe it's the brand of laptop and how it 
interacts with card and not the operating system?

> With this kind of trouble, I can see why Linux hasn't made it into the 
> mainstream (as far as the desktop market goes). 
People always say this when they have a problem.  First, you need to
remember that ALL hardware on the shelf today is made with Microsoft in
mind - period.  Not one manufacturer of video cards, sound, mainboards,
etc... makes a product with ONLY linux in mind - most give linux a mere
after thought if any at all - MAYBE posting drivers on their website
(never in the box though) if at all.  With that in mind, can you imagine
how difficult it is to build an operating system which would support
EVERYTHNING out of the box?  Think about this:  Most hardware
manufacturers won't even give up the specs of their "proprietary" hardware
so that someone else can write a linux driver for it - let alone write one
for you.  They wouldn't even consider releasing the product without
windows drivers - usually multiple versions of windows.  

Before you get all upset about the state of linux, think about that.  Most 
windows users get confused about how to change their desktop wallpaper; on 
linux, you've GOT to plan ahead.  Make sure you've got not only 
comptatible hardware, but that you understand COMPLETELY what's soldered 
in your case.  


Michael Holt
Banning, CA                        (o_
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    (o_  (o_  //\        (/)_ (/)_ V_/_     

      Bad or missing mouse driver. Spank the cat? (Y/N)

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