Mandrake should change their kernel installation instructions in the latest Security Advisory since they say there:

"To upgrade automatically, use MandrakeUpdate. If you want to upgrade manually, download the updated package(s) from one of our FTP server mirrors and upgrade with "rpm -Fvh *.rpm"."


On Monday, Jul 28, 2003, at 20:00 America/Chicago, David Guntner wrote:

stefmit grabbed a keyboard and wrote:

Three machines running MDK 9.1: one of them prompts me with the existence
of a new kernel, the other two don't (via MCC --> Software Management -->
Mandrake Update). Is there a setup I may have missed on two machines, to
enable kernel updates to show up?

I don't know why it showed up on the one, Mandrake screened kernels out of
the Mandrake Update program. You don't WANT them to show up there,
because then you might be temped to use MU to update a kernel. At which
point, you end up with a *really* big mess on your hands.

Download the kernel manually, then use rpm to install it (-ivh), not
update. Remember to run lilo (assuming that's what you use for your boot
loader) to put the new kernel into the boot sequence. When you're sure
that the new kernel works, "rpm -e" the old kernel, edit /etc/lilo.conf to
take references to the old kernel out and set the new kernel as the
default, run lilo again, and you're done.

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