Vincent Danen wrote:
On Mon Jul 28, 2003 at 08:26:24PM -0500, Avi Schwartz wrote:

Mandrake should change their kernel installation instructions in the latest Security Advisory since they say there:

"To upgrade automatically, use MandrakeUpdate. If you want to upgrade manually, download the updated package(s) from one of our FTP server mirrors and upgrade with "rpm -Fvh *.rpm"."

It's a canned message.  If people are going to read that part of the
advisory, they should also read the part about following the instructions at
a page on MandrakeSecure:

I love it when people read the inconsequential part of an advisory and miss
the actual advisory text.

I have been among those who have diligently read through the whole page to come across the inappropriate (wrt kernel) "canned message". It is not easy to make a distinction between what is merely there because it might be part of a page template and what is to be taken as part of the instruction, especially if this is the first time you are trying to understand how to upgrade the kernel or do any manual update. It would be better, imo, if this could be excluded from the kernel advisories and, also, if the url to the kernel upgrade instructions were a hyperlink, thus making it more likely someone will follow it in their browser and giving it more visual 'weight'.

Regarding the instructions for the kernel upgrade, they include:

'Once you have modified your lilo.conf or menu.lst file, execute "lilo -v" or "sh /boot/grub/", again depending upon your bootloader.'

I have never re-installed grub (over 3 years) after only modifying menu.lst and there have been others who have expressed a reservation about this instruction. My understanding was that it was not necessary (1) but my understanding might be incomplete, so I would appreciate some clarification here.



(1) From Tom Berger's MUO Docs, which is, hopefully, temporarily offline:

"The configuration file ('/boot/grub/menu.lst') allows changes 'on the fly'. No extra installation step after editing needed."

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