On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 17:08:07 +0700
Fajar Priyanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> What did Chomsky say about it?

Well, exactly what that Cambridge research showed, that people learn
language not in bits and pieces like the "phonics" method still in use
today, but by grokking whole chunks of meaning from analyzing contextual
patterns in speech and writing. I can't do him justice, so I won't go
further than that. Look him up on Google, there's lots out there, or
should I say tehres ltos out trehe.

> BTW, this also shows the power of human brain analyzing pattern on 99%
> random data. Anyone agree that there will be no computer that can beat
> human brain?

Read "The Emperor's New Mind", can't remember the author, but ya, I
agree it is impossible to build a mechanical model of the human mind,
since our nervous system extends beyond our bodies, for one thing.

> Even IBM's notorious deep blue failed to defeat Kasparov.

I can't even beat GNUChess...sad.

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