Hi folks,

First, I'm going to be largely AFK for the next three to four days
(vacation) so please don't be dispirited if I am even less responsive
than usual ;) I'll do my best to catch up when I return or if I find
downtime while away.

Second, I'm hoping to do a documentation sprint (tutorial and covering
any basics that aren't already documented in the prose sections) by
the following weekend at the latest, after which I will probably put
out 0.9.0 final -- I've had enough of my own feet-dragging.

However, I may wait until we get some resolution with the Paramiko
issue -- would like to avoid going "hey! new Fabric! non-bleeding-edge
users, come 'n get it!" only to have everyone nab Paramiko 1.7.5 and
suffer the resulting pain of hitting that bug. So if that does get
resolved within the next week and a half, great, otherwise I might
have to do a second beta instead :(


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