Good luck with the surgery. You can chose to call it "focusing on recovery"
rather than "being a wuss" :)

On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 22:25, Jeff Forcier <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Some news -- good, neutral, slightly bad, and bad. Apologies for the
> length.
> # Good
> @task decorators and namespaces are done (sans one small noncritical
> tweak to fab --list.) A ton of smaller 1.1 features/fixes were done a
> while back -- so 1.1 could be released anytime (though see "Slightly
> bad" below...)
> I want to thank Travis (Swicegood) for his effort on these features
> and his saint-level patience in waiting ~1.5 years for me to merge
> them. Thanks, Travis!
> # Neutral
> ## Releases
> I think I'll change the release process: drop the specific 1.1, 1.2,
> 1.3 etc buckets, put everything into 1.x, 2.x etc, and make every
> release a sprint. Grab ~1-2 lynchpin features + ~6 minor features (all
> likely related), dump into a short-term milestone, bang them out in a
> week/weekend, and release.
> Despite wanting smaller/faster releases post-1.0, 1.1 took too long --
> because A) I'm a softie and put too much into "the next release", and
> B) the GTD-esque idea that large todo lists sap one's will to get
> stuff done. (Though C) switching jobs and moving 3000 miles didn't
> help :))
> This mostly just means I won't even pretend to promise anybody when
> their pet fix/feature will go out -- but also that speed will
> hopefully, actually increase.
> ## Github
> I'm now strongly considering moving from Redmine to Github (see
> for history.) Issues 2.0,
> while not perfect, is a vast improvement; and their other value-adds
> (pull requests, commit comments etc) are also compelling.
> When and how this is done is yet undecided, but I wanted to make the
> decision public.
> # Slightly bad
> 1.1 is ready for prime-time...but 1.0.2 isn't...and due to how I
> forwardport changes and handle docs, it's currently best to have
> bugfix and feature releases in lockstep (I do want to change this
> soon, though.) So there's some work to do before both of these go out.
> On the plus side, the remaining blocker(s) for 1.0.2 (mostly the
> continuing I/O problems) have patches, so it should not take long.
> # Bad
> I'm going in for surgery tomorrow (Monday) and may be out of
> commission for a week or so. I'd love to be productive while stuck in
> bed, but past experience shows that this depends on the amount of
> pain/killers. (I am what is colloquially known as "a tremendous
> wuss".)
> So I'll try to reply to any hugely critical emails, but don't be
> surprised if I just shut up for the week, other than the occasional
> self-pitying tweet.
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> --
> Jeff Forcier
> Unix sysadmin; Python/Ruby engineer
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