Try using the --disable-known-hosts command line option to see if it has something to do with a prior use of the same ip address.

On 06/10/2010 01:19 PM, Matt Calder wrote:

On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 6:54 PM, Jeff Forcier<>  wrote:
Hi Matt,

Paramiko doesn't have a connection cache that I'm aware of, but Fabric
itself does. However, from your description it sounds like you are
creating a new instance and then connecting to it, so I'm not sure why
a cache would present a problem.

I'm fairly certain fabric's cache is empty, because the code goes into
the : connect function. The reason I suggested a "paramiko
cache" is that, while it is true that just after an instance goes from
"pending" to "running" there is a period when connections fail, but
that usually is very brief (<  10 sec). That is why I do a sleep(60)
after the startup, to give time for that to settle.

If you're rebooting a remote system or doing anything to alter the
networking of an already-connected system, then you can force a
reconnect by manipulating fabric.state.connections. For example, see
what the (master-only) reboot() operation does:

I will look at that.

If the problem is as straightforward as it sounds, though, I'm
honestly not sure what's up other than "possible Paramiko bug". Are
you getting any prompts or anything when you connect to the new
instance by hand?

I can log in by hand, completely and correctly, from a terminal. I can
do this after the instance is started but before fabric's first run
call. The funny thing is, if I do log in from a terminal, the fabric
run command will work. So, a pseudo code timeline:

# Version 1, this will fail, the run cannot connect to the instance.

# Version 2, this will succeed in running "ls" on the instance.
sleep(60) # During this sleep, using a terminal, I log into the instance.

Another variation that works is:

# Version 3, this also succeeds.
<Debugger breakpoint here>  Using debugger, look at variables (no
changes), proceed

It is the examples that work that shout out "threading error" or
"caching error" to me.

Another thing to try is to upgrade Paramiko to 1.7.6 if you're using
the bundled 1.7.4.

I will try that. Thanks for taking the time to help!



On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 5:38 PM, Matt Calder<>  wrote:

No it is in a good group. I can log in using fabric if I restart it
and the instance is already running. I can see that fabric is inside trying to make the connection. I get one of two errors:
either timeout or low level socket error. In debugging, I added
retries to network.connect and it will fail repeatedly. First it times
out a few times, then gives the "low level socket" error. While it
doing that, I can ssh into it from a terminal. I wonder does paramiko
have a connection cache ? Maybe it is not really retrying? Thanks for
any help.


On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 5:23 PM, Bruno Clermont
<>  wrote:
Is your instance in a security group that allow your IP and the port your
trying to connect to?
If it timeout, it's probably blocked by Amazon firewalls.

On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 15:07, Matt Calder<>  wrote:

I am having problems using fabric with EC2 instances. I am not
entirely sure fabric is even the source of the problem, but I am
hoping someone on this list can suggest a solution or a path to
investigate. Here is the problem. I start an EC2 instance using boto.
I wait for the instance to report its state as "running". I wait an
addition 60 seconds after that. Then I try to "run" things on the
instance through fabric. At that point I get:

  [] run: ls

Fatal error: Timed out trying to connect to


Now, the interesting thing is this. During that additional 60 second
wait I can log into the instance from a separate terminal, moreover,
when I do that separate login, the fabric login succeeds.

Obviously, there is not a lot to go on here, but I am not entirely
sure what additional information would be helpful. If anyone has a
suggestion of what I might try to do, I would greatly appreciate it.


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Jeff Forcier
Unix sysadmin; Python/Ruby developer

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