Finally got some spare time (and got off my lazy ass), so I pushed a few unit
tests to that run through
almost all of the supported engines/formats to make sure they produce output
without any issues.  A few points:

- There are currently only a handful of tests yanked from the docs.  Graphviz's
  source code has a bunch of other examples that could be translated into
  Factor, if necessary.

- Graphviz died and took Factor down with it on zlib-compressed formats (svgz &
  vmlz).  I'm not sure if it's an issue in general, just my installation, or
  what.  The error message is entirely unhelpful.

- The current tests pass on my machine.  But then, my machine = a Debian box
  with Graphviz 2.26.3 installed (since I guess 2.28 is too "bleeding-edge" for
  Debian) and erg's plugin-list fix reverted (which I'm certainly thankful for,
  but 2.26 doesn't have the gvPluginList function; ugh).  So, grain of salt I

--Alex Vondrak
BlackBerry® DevCon Americas, Oct. 18-20, San Francisco, CA
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