And throw in the Trilateral commission along with the
robots at the airport and then the low dome numbers
really start making sense.

--- Angela Mailander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It is true that no mainstream academic historian
> would touch the occult side of the Hitler-regime. 
> Those that have, have ruined their careers.  That
> doesn't make the story I'm telling untrue.  There is
> too much evidence.  And then, what is an agent of
> the Pope in New York City doing in meetings with a
> guy that then starts a society that creates Hitler
> and then that same agent, Franz von Papen, becomes
> Hitler's vice chancellor. He then writes articles in
> the official Nazi rag about how Hitler has restored
> the Divine Right of Kings.  Do you think that this
> is just a coincidence?  And there are hundreds of
> coincidences like this.  Part of my evidence comes
> from books and articles, part of it from ex-Nazi's
> I've known, and part of it comes from my own family
> which lived through that time.  It all squares up. 
> And then, I do have the requisite academic training
> to do research and evaluate my materials. a
> authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                
>               --- In,
> off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>  wrote:
>  >
>  > --- In, Bronte
> Baxter 
>  > <brontebaxter8@> wrote:
>  > >
>  > > In what sense do you think Turq is like
> Nazi-like? He is
>  > > devoted to complete individual freedom, as far
> as I can tell.>>
>  > 
>  > On the contrary, he is entirely devoted to his
> opinion being
>  > espoused over all other opinions, by any
> irrational and devious
>  > way necessary to promote his UberMensch
> mentality. This seems 
>  > obvious to all but the most niave of people.
>  > 
>  > Perhaps Authfriend will be able to enlighten you
> more as to this 
>  > topic's veracity.
>  Barry's the most constricted, restricted, pinched,
>  tied-in-knots, rule-ridden individual I've ever
>  encountered. He's a total control freak who lives
>  in a prison of his own making, utterly unable to
>  confront or deal with reality.
>  Bronte will just have to discover that for herself,
>  although if she'd take a few minutes to think about
>  it, she'd realize she already has a good handful
>  of clues.
>  This business of Hitler and the New Age comes
>  from the same cryptohistory drawer as The DaVinci
>  Code. No serious historian would touch it with a
>  ten-foot pole. Look it up on the Web and see how
>  many of the hundreds of thousands of sites
>  devoted to it are fundie Christian. They didn't
>  invent it, but they've picked up on it to scare
>  people away from anything New Age.
>  Likewise, the bit about MMY and Nazism is just
>  completely crackpot. I'm beginning to think this
>  forum may have been infiltrated by a couple of 
>  fanatics.
>  Rory never said MMY was the reincarnation of
>  Hitler. Jim is not even remotely a fascist.
>  This is all just crazy talk.
>  This is my last post; I'm going to be away next
>  week, so I'll take this crap up when I get back
>  if it hasn't already died a merciful death.
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