authfriend wrote:
> This business of Hitler and the New Age comes
> from the same cryptohistory drawer as The DaVinci
> Code. No serious historian would touch it with a
> ten-foot pole. Look it up on the Web and see how
> many of the hundreds of thousands of sites
> devoted to it are fundie Christian. They didn't
> invent it, but they've picked up on it to scare
> people away from anything New Age.
ROTFL!  So someone dreamt up the use of the swastikas in the Nazi regime 
because they thought it looked cool?  I don't think so.  Like I said it 
may not have been that Hitler and his cohorts "believed" in the New Age 
but they *used* it to compel the German masses.  But there is a lot of 
documented information on Hitler and his involvement in secret societies 
including the Thule and Vril organizations.  I have a *well* documented 
book in hand by a couple of French historians Michel Bertrand and Jean 
Angelini who wrote under the name Jean-Michel Angebert with 23 pages of 
referential notes.  The book also has an extensive bibliography.  The 
book, "The Occult and the Third Reich" is a fascinating read that I 
purchased when the English translation was published in 1974 by 
MacMillan Publishing.
> This is my last post; I'm going to be away next
> week, so I'll take this crap up when I get back
> if it hasn't already died a merciful death.
Escaping the possible "false flag" operation that might occur this week 
due to the extensive and largest military drill ever?  Keep "eyes wide 

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