"Ram" is a common shanti mantra given to the general public. The journalist probably heard it wrong as "Rum" which is hilarious and might might make someone drunk. According to some including Bhavagan Das in his autobiography Maharishi used "Ram" in the first days of TM. The reason TM uses beej mantras is because anyone can use them without any special ceremony. I think MMY was looking for a system anyone could teach. MMY also used shaktipat when teaching in the early days.

Keeping mantras secret might have also been just to keep Indians from blowing whistle on the project as nothing special. Except for a select few, westerners of course in the 1960s and 70s knew about nothing mantras nor mantra shastra so would not have understood this.

On 02/26/2014 11:30 AM, cardemais...@yahoo.com wrote:

Among the many different forms, Simmons said he teaches mantra-based meditation in which someone sits quietly and repeats a single word – in his case, “Rum” – for a period of 20 minutes. He has one meditation session in the morning at his Los Angeles home, then drives over to his ex-wife Kimora Lee Simmons’ home for another session from 6:45 a.m. to 7:05 a.m. with his two daughters, Aoki Lee, 11, and Ming Lee, 14. They’ve been meditating together for three years.

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