Tell you what, I'll take a stab at it after you've made a post here giving a 
complete explanation of quantum mechanics. 

 As I pointed out to Barry just now, I've already given you the core principle 
of the argument--many times, in fact: Classical theists hold that what they 
call God is not a being but Being Itself. What's too complicated to explain in 
an FFL post is why, and what the ramifications are. (I can tell you, though, 
that none of it has anything whatsoever to do with the laws of physics being 
inadequate compared to theism. I'd love to know how you came up with that 
howler. Certainly not from anything I've ever said.)

 And BTW, I don't believe I've ever called you stupid. Just ignorant, and happy 
to stay that way. And, I might add, incurious.

---In, <> wrote :


Yep, we've seen it all before. 

 Come on Judy, the ball is in your court. We want an explanation and not more 
of this "you're stupid for not having read what I don't understand either but 
someone else told me is good" argument which does you no credit whatsoever and 
actually makes you look rather ridiculous.

 But I'm guessing you don't care about that as your prime motivation is being 
able to sneer down your high and mighty nose at people. Given your 
unwillingness to even try and articulate what you claim to understand, it must 
be a rather hollow victory.

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