On 5/2/2014 8:17 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

Nobody ever disputed this point with Barry, including those who believe in determinism. He could never quite understand how someone could believe in determinism and yet continue to act as if they had free will without serious cognitive dissonance. He was unable to grasp that believers in determinism fully accepted that they had no other choice and did not perceive this to be in conflict with that belief. (Basically, Barry didn't, and likely still doesn't, comprehend what the belief entails.)

We have to assume that there is a reason Barry believes in free will. I think it's because Barry believes Rama really levitated by the sheer force of his own will-power and that was all the proof Barry needed in order to become a follower. But, those of us in the real world know that the law of karma dictates that everything that goes up must come down - not float up to the top of a mountainside. That's not at all being pragmatic - that's the sign of a True Believer trying to put one over on everyone.

I suspect it is the pragmatic POV that most appeals to Barry on this topic but I could be wrong. In either case we all must act as if we have free will, we have no other choice!

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