On 5/3/2014 3:18 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> you are wrong about that some aspects of the practice under certain 
> circumstances leads to mental and emotional instability. To say what 
> you are saying is to blame the victim - TM is not without side effects
Maybe you could explain to us how sitting down with your eyes closed for 
a few minutes and thinking something over would have a "side effect". 
What, exactly would happen to the average person who would be thinking 
up a nonsense syllable, just like any other thought? Thanks for any help 
you can give me.

Some random thoughts on meditation:

It has already been established by John Knapp over on the Trance-nut web 
site that "TM" is nothing more than simply "napping" (no pundit 
intended) for the large majority of people. I've never heard of anyone 
complaining about taking a short nap, unless to say it wasn't long 
enough. Go figure.

On the other hand, concentrated thinking on a complicated problem has 
been shown to produce a psycho-physical side effect known in medical and 
clinical studies as acute, severe headache. This has been demonstrated 
in scientific blind-studies, published in peer-reviewed, learned 
journals and on the internet. It's complicated.

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